Progress Florida & Florida Watch Statements on the Governor’s Budget Proposal

Today, Governor Ron DeSantis unveiled his proposed budget for the 2022 Florida legislative session. 

In response, Progress Florida Executive Director Mark Ferrulo and Florida Watch Executive Director Josh Weierbach issued the following statements:

“For the last three years, Governor Ron DeSantis has proven that, to him, the word freedom means the freedom to put wealthy corporate donors ahead of everyday Floridians, the freedom to block local decision making, and the freedom to put self-serving, polarizing partisan politics ahead of public health and safety,” said Progress Florida Executive Director Mark Ferrulo. “While many Floridians continue to suffer under this Governor’s lack of leadership, today’s budget proposal was just a continuation of his self-serving politics of lofty rhetoric while his actions continue to put Floridians last.”

“Under Governor Ron DeSantis, Floridians have had the freedom to see their housing costs soar, their property insurance rates skyrocket, and their wages stagnate,” said Florida Watch Executive Director Josh Weierbach. “Leaving $15 billion in reserves while working families are suffering from a housing crisis is an insult to the people of our state who have been on the frontlines throughout this pandemic. Simply put, Florida is unaffordable for many Floridians but the Governor remains laser-focused on policies that only play to the far-right base and the wealthy corporate donors he needs for his upcoming presidential campaign.”
