NEW VIDEO: Scott Watch Highlights the “Horrors” of Rick Scott’s Environmental Record

TALLAHASSEE — As working families and seniors from Pensacola to the Keys continue to experience record heat, flooding from one-in-two-hundred year storms that have become annual events, and fish kills that once again foul the shores of Biscayne Bay, the impacts of the climate crisis could not be more clear for the people of the Sunshine State.

But for Floridians looking to their elected leaders for solutions, the terrifying truth is that their junior United States Senator, Rick Scott, has spent his time in office denying the reality of the climate crisis in order to do the bidding of corporate polluters and voting against disaster relief for his constituents after a devastating hurricane.

In order to get Floridians’ blood boiling to match the record-breaking temperatures, Scott Watch has released a new digital video titled “Horrors” that showcases the Senator’s toxic environmental record throughout his time as a self-serving politician.

You can watch the video here.

“While Senator Rick Scott continues to deny the realities of the climate crisis, there is no escaping that the horrors of his record on the environment are putting our state’s natural treasures and our Florida way of life at risk,” said Scott Watch Communications Director Anders Croy. “As hardworking Floridians endure more extreme heat, stronger storms, and increasingly frequent red tide and algae blooms, they can place the blame on self-serving politicians like Rick Scott who do the dirty work of corporate polluters while we all suffer. With the cost of property insurance, utility bills, and disaster recovery rising, it is time that Rick Scott is held accountable for putting the environmental and economic futures of all Floridians at risk.”

Full Transcript of Video 

Narrator: In the heart of Florida, a shadow looms over the Sunshine State.

Stronger storms, hotter summers, increased pollution, all traced back to one man.

Meet Rick Scott.

The politician with a chilling history of environmental destruction.

Under his direction as Governor, he ignored warnings and banned the very words “climate change.” 

He slashed funding for water management, leading to toxic algae blooms that poisoned Florida’s waters.

The Florida Everglades, an environmental treasure, put at risk as Rick Scott did favors for corporate polluters.

The horrors continue.

Frightening property insurance rates continue to go up as everyday Floridians feel the heat from Rick Scott’s climate crisis denial.

This summer, the truth about Rick Scott’s environmental record will make your blood boil.

Are you ready for hurricane season?

Because Senator Rick Scott won’t help.

Rick Scott’s reign of environmental havoc has hurt Floridians.

Tell Rick Scott: protect our future… while we can.


Scott Watch is a project of the Florida Communications and Research Hub, managed by Florida Watch and Progress Florida, committed to holding Senator Rick Scott accountable for his failure to put the best interests of the people he was elected to serve before his own political ambitions. By working together, we are building a grassroots movement to protect the freedom of all Floridians to be healthy, prosperous, and safe.